Learn the mystic secrets of the Ancient Egyptians...

During this 7 day training with Tyler Tolman, he will share with you his learnings from his Egyptian Master Teacher, the physical culture, history, language, lifestyle & deeper wisdom of the Ancient Atlantean & Egyptians. 

This is the information that will bring about our evolution, begin the process of enhancing the 12 senses & regeneration of our organs for long life and usher in our super human abilities! 

This process is for beginners and is only the start to a journey of Mastery.

7 Day Intensive Training
DECEMBER 5th 2022 - DECEMBER 11th 2022

If this resonates with you, if you KNOW THIS IS THE WAY... NOW IS THE TIME!

Join me on this Djedi Path, to become the DJEDI that we were born to be! 

You are the one you've been waiting for!



SAVE $2,222 AUD !!


Due to COVID-19 Event Dates are subject to change.

16 - 25 APR 2021

Live Virtual Event

NOW $5,555 AUD

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23 JUL - 1 AUG 2021

Live Virtual Event

NOW $5,555 AUD

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Tyler Tolman's Djedi Training Program

Join Tyler Tolman for 7 days of intensive training, learning the practices of the Ancient Egyptians, regenerating your organs and evolving through these specific rituals to uplift yourself into a space of higher connection and evolution. 
Step #3: Check out
$2222 AUD
4x $611 AUD (Fortnightly Payments)
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All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...


  • 7 Days of Training & Education with Tyler Tolman 
  • 5 Days a week 60 - 90min Morning Rituals + Practices
  • Learn the lifestyle of the Ancient Egyptians and their techniques for regeneration, long life & happiness
  • ​​Learn the basics of "the language of nature" (Hieroglyphs) so you can connect with the deeper meaning of words, your name & nature
  • Receive deeper wisdom of who & what you are & your place in this universe
  • You will learn the 7 Universal Laws of the cosmos & begin to apply them in your life.
  • Become a part of a like minded community who is dedicated to EVOLUTION (Becoming Super Human)


Tyler Tolman's Heal Thy Self Academy offers an intermediate level of training for those who have a genuine interest and passion in truly understanding their own body, how to heal themselves and how to help others on their journey to healing themselves. 

IT'S TIME to reclaim your power and become your own physician. This is an invaluable opportunity to invest in your health and your future. It will change the way you look at health forever

Need other payment plan options or information? 
Submit a form and my team will get in touch with you.

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